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Text File | 1995-06-19 | 28.5 KB | 590 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#134/20-Jul-92
- =====================
- If you or anyone you know has ever felt hand or wrist pain while
- at the Mac, read on for more information on carpal tunnel
- syndrome and a number of easy ways of avoiding serious
- damage. We also have a look at a hot new product coming soon
- from SuperMac. Called SuperView, it will extend the PowerBooks'
- video output horizons significantly. Finally, we unveil our
- corporate sponsorship program, so check out the fileserver for
- some excellent files.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * Salient Software -- 415/321-5375 -- 75300.2411@compuserve.com
- Makers of AutoDoubler and DiskDoubler
- * Infogrip, Inc. -- 800/397-0921 -- BAT chord keyboards
- One hand on the BAT, one hand on the mouse, eyes on the screen.
- For detailed information on these companies and their products,
- please send email to <sponsors@tidbits.com>.
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For information send email to info@tidbits.com or ace@tidbits.com
- CIS: 72511,306 -- AppleLink: ace@tidbits.com@internet#
- AOL: Adam Engst -- Delphi: Adam_Engst -- BIX: TidBITS
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/20-Jul-92
- TidBITS Sponsorship Program
- SuperView
- Carpal Tunnel Anonymous
- Carpal Tunnel Help
- Reviews/20-Jul-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-134.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/20-Jul-92
- ------------------
- Two minor mistakes last week, and one major problem this week,
- which accounts for the tardiness of this issue. First, we
- mentioned the existence of the Frequently Asked Questions file at
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu. Unfortunately, the source had transposed
- two letters in the filename, and so did we. Look for
- "csmf-faq.txt".
- Secondly, Andy Sheppard told us about an FTP and archie site in
- the UK, adding that it had mailserver capabilities though he
- didn't know the details. Unfortunately, it turns out this site is
- available only from the UK. I believe the address is
- <ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk>.
- The previous paragraph is vague because our dearly-beloved 105 MB
- hard drive died a terrible death Tuesday when some moron got drunk
- and ran his car into an electric pole. The resulting power flutter
- (off-on-off in the space of a few seconds) turned the hard drive's
- controller card into the functional equivalent of a twisted heap
- of smoking metal. We had decent backups, but I lost all my mail
- and some recent work. By the time you read this, we'll be back up
- on another APS 105 MB drive ($270 cheaper than two years ago).
- TidBITS Sponsorship Program
- ---------------------------
- People often ask me, "How can you possibly afford to put out
- TidBITS for free?" The answer is "Not that easily." However, we
- believe that the individual should not have to pay for quality
- information. This deranged view probably stems from being related
- to people who work in libraries (Hi Mom!) and from an academic
- background in which information is shared, not sold.
- As a result, TidBITS has always been and will always remain free
- to the individual end user, and non-profit, non-commercial
- publications can reprint articles freely. We encourage liberal
- redistribution to public online services, and we're kind to
- animals and small children. :-)
- Enough with the white hat speech - you all know what TidBITS is
- about. Having grown up in upstate New York, we subscribe, more or
- less, to the American capitalist imperialist dream of owning our
- own house and maybe annexing a small country or two someday. We're
- awfully good at living within our means, but those means don't
- extend far. Therein was hatched the idea of a corporate
- sponsorship program modeled after the one used by Public
- Broadcasting.
- But who to ask and how to set it all up? PBS has sponsors from
- every industry, although I've noticed that large oil companies
- fund a lot of the big name programs. (motto: "We sponsor good
- television. Ignore that oil slick.") The Federal Communications
- Commission restricts PBS sponsors to the dictum "Identify, not
- promote," and they must abide by numerous strict regulations.
- This sounded like a good idea, but we added our own twists. First,
- we are only interested in working with good companies. Fly-by-
- night outfits can hang with the bats. Second, we realized this
- could be an excellent way of providing more useful information to
- the nets, straight from the people who know the best. To that end
- we have added files to our fileserver at <fileserver@tidbits.com>
- from our sponsors. The concept behind these files is that they are
- supposed to be useful (technical support information), interesting
- (company background or research on a particular topic), or
- otherwise worthwhile. We will not post any files that we believe
- to be false, fraudulent, defamatory, or illegal.
- We're sure that many of you will have comments and questions on
- this change, and please feel free to send them along. We'll
- respond as best we can, as we always do, but let us assure you up
- front that we believe this is the best move for TidBITS. Our
- editorial policies and biases (yes, we've all got them, no use
- denying it) will not change; our distribution and reprinting
- policies will not change; and the actual issues will only change
- by a few lines. The fileserver will have more files, and I
- certainly expect those files to be good reading, but if you don't
- want to see them, no one will force you to.
- That said, I strongly encourage you to send email to
- <sponsors@tidbits.com> to get a listing of the new sponsorship
- files if you want to know more about AutoDoubler or DiskDoubler or
- if you want to find out more about chord keyboards and Infogrip's
- BAT. Feel free to send email to either of the companies directly,
- asking for more information, or if you approve of them sponsoring
- TidBITS, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear that too. I know we
- would. :-) Of course, if your company is interested in becoming a
- sponsor, drop us a line and we'll talk it over.
- By the way, we've ensured that all the files on the fileserver are
- small enough to pass through all the gateways, so those of you on
- CompuServe, America Online, and AppleLink can request files
- without fear of them bouncing or being truncated.
- Thanks for all the enthusiasm, suggestions, and the hundreds of
- compliments you have sent us over the past two and half years. We
- certainly hope that you will have reason to continue sending such
- letters in the future.
- Sincerely, Adam & Tonya Engst
- SuperView
- ---------
- We've heard of an interesting product, called SuperView, in the
- works from SuperMac's wizards. They've come up with a video
- adapter for the PowerBooks that connects a PowerBook to almost
- anything that can display a picture short of a Nintendo GameBoy.
- The adapter is housed in an external case with a built-in,
- international AC-input power supply, and it connects to the
- PowerBook via the external SCSI port.
- SuperView will have three output jacks, a standard Mac DB-15 RGB
- connector for normal Macintosh monitors, a standard VGA connector
- for PC monitors, and most interestingly, an RCA connector with
- composite NTSC (we're talking basic TV here) or PAL (European
- basic TV) for the European version. The RCA jack will be suitable
- for use with a VCR, projection TV, hotel TV, etc., as long as the
- TV or VCR uses a Video-In RCA jack for input, but it won't work
- with those icky RF modulator boxes from Radio Shack that never
- provide a decent picture.
- Thinking back to our Pong days, we wondered if SuperView could
- provide acceptable picture quality on TV sets. Apparently SuperMac
- is working on some software that will attempt to compensate for
- the limited picture quality. This limitation goes back to the fact
- that TV sets draw interlaced pictures, so the electron gun draws
- every other line, then goes back and draws the missing lines.
- Since we all listened to our mothers as children and don't sit too
- close to the TV screen, we seldom notice the interlacing. In
- rigorous computer use, though, it would be eye-achingly obvious.
- Apparently some presentation graphics programs also know how to
- adjust images for the best appearance on NTSC or PAL, which will
- also help the quality a bit.
- Even with SuperMac's tweaking, we doubt that you'd want to use a
- TV as a monitor for long. That's not the point, though, because
- SuperView supports all standard Mac and VGA monitor resolutions up
- to 1024 x 768 at up to 75 Hz (fast and flicker-free) refresh
- rates. You can drive any monitor in 1-bit (monochrome) or 8-bit
- color mode, with the exception of the Apple 15" Portrait Display,
- which apparently has some technical quirks that limit it to 1-bit
- mode with SuperView.
- There are two main ways to use a second monitor on a computer. The
- Mac generally uses the extended desktop mode, which seriously
- increases productivity by giving you both monitors to use at once
- (both screens are active and you simply drag the mouse between
- them). The second method, presentation mode, duplicates the
- picture on both screens, which is useless for normal work (unless
- you have two heads) but ideal for presentations, in which you want
- to see the projected image on both screens. Initially, SuperView
- will only support the extended desktop display mode, but
- presentation mode will come along a little later.
- It's too early to guess at prices or shipping dates, but if you
- travel frequently with your PowerBook, SuperView might be well
- worth looking into for expanding your display horizons.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Carpal Tunnel Anonymous
- -----------------------
- Hi. My name is Adam and I have carpal tunnel syndrome. It's a bit
- hard to talk about at first, especially for us guys because carpal
- tunnel syndrome (CTS) is not a real guy injury. Guys break bones
- parachuting from hang gliders onto oil rigs and the like. Guys do
- not get pains in their hands, wrists, and arms from typing a
- little too much while sitting in a bad chair.
- Well, yes they do. So do women. Face it, if you are reading this
- on a computer then you may be at risk for CTS or some other
- repetitive strain injury. Perhaps the hardest part of dealing with
- these injuries is admitting that you have them. Tonya has a
- related problem, tendinitis, in her wrists, and after she admitted
- publicly at work that she couldn't do as much as she'd like, a
- number of colleagues came over individually and said that they too
- had occasional wrist pain. And this is from people who talk on the
- phone six hours a day (using headsets).
- The first thing to do is to immediately send this issue to anyone
- you know who might be suffering from CTS or a related injury. I
- mean it. The State of Washington Department of Labor estimates
- that symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome will develop in 10% of all
- employed adults in Washington sometime during their employment
- careers. Surveys of doctors suggest that these sort of injuries
- are now the major occupational hazard of the Information Age.
- It's also expensive, for you or your insurance company, if you
- don't treat it immediately. A study by the American Physical
- Therapy Association claims that a mild case of CTS can cost
- between $5,000 and $10,000 in medical care and lost work time, and
- a serious case that requires surgery on both hands can cost
- $100,000. If you have bad furniture at work that hurts your
- wrists, statistics like the one above can help convince even the
- stingiest employer to replace it. After all, your employer will be
- paying the worker's compensation and a good bit of your health
- insurance premiums.
- I'm not going to explain CTS in detail because that's best
- explained by a book on the subject or an unusual doctor with time
- to talk. The basic idea is that several tendons and the median
- nerve pass through the carpal tunnel, formed by three bones and
- some tough cartilage, in the forearm and wrist. When you
- repeatedly bend the wrist at bad angles, you irritate those
- tendons and the nerve. Irritation leads to inflammation, which in
- turn leads to more irritation since the carpal tunnel doesn't have
- much extra room and the inflamed tendons rub on each other and on
- the nerve. We're talking about vicious cycles.
- CTS manifests itself in pain from the thumb and next three fingers
- (another nerve serves the little finger) all the way up to the
- elbow. We've found that overcompensation and stress can also cause
- pain in the shoulder, neck, and back, and it might even cause
- migraine headaches if you're unlucky. The pain can range from
- minor itching and stiffness (that's how bad I've got it) to
- flaming shots of white-hot pain searing up and down the fingers
- whenever you move them. Buttoning a shirt becomes impossible and
- sleep may as well. What can you do? Read on.
- Carpal Tunnel Help
- ------------------
- I'm not a doctor, but I've seen one and have researched this
- subject, searching for more information on ways of avoiding CTS
- and curing it once it has happened. If you believe that you have
- CTS, please go see a doctor right away, or at least after reading
- what I've written below. I concentrate on the easy things you can
- do, in part because they're cheap and easy, and in part because I
- feel that they are in the long run more effective than the drastic
- invasive measures that a doctor may recommend as a last ditch
- effort. Do note that the measures listed below are not in any
- specific order because I think they're all important, and none
- conflict with each other, unless you go under the knife.
- Ergonomics
- The first thing you should do to prevent or treat CTS is to make
- sure that your computer environment is well-set up, ergonomically
- speaking. The basic principle involves right angles. Your feet
- should rest flat on the floor, your calves should be perpendicular
- to the floor and to your thighs, which should be parallel to the
- floor, and the angle between your thighs and back should be at
- least 90 degrees. Your arms should hang relaxed at your sides, and
- your forearms should project out straight in front of you, forming
- another 90 degree angle. Your wrists should be straight, not
- arched upward. You might adjust your keyboard for this, or you
- might have to adjust your chair and desk height. Standard typing
- height is supposedly 27 inches, but that will vary with your
- height. I had to saw an inch or so off my desk and buy an
- adjustable chair, both of which helped a great deal.
- You should be between 18 and 28 inches from your screen, and it
- should be adjusted so that it is between 15 and 30 degrees below
- your straight-ahead line of sight. If the screen is much lower
- than that, you'll probably end up slouching.
- Wrist Pads
- By now you've probably seen the neoprene wrist pads that many
- people put in front of their keyboards. I highly recommend you buy
- one (about $10) because they help in two important ways. First,
- when you type, you shouldn't rest your hand on the desk, but many
- people do. The wrist pad is designed to remind you to lift up
- slightly so your hands don't rest on any surface as you type,
- because that angle can compress the carpal tunnel. Secondly, when
- you stop typing to think, you probably put your hands down, and
- it's better to rest them on a soft pad than on the hard corner of
- a desk, which can cut off circulation and compress the carpal
- tunnel.
- I'm convinced that these pads, simple as they are, help a great
- deal. Microsoft gives a wrist pad to every employee. Microsoft's
- wrist pads are unimpressive compared with the one I've been using
- from Silicon Sports. Generic wrist pads consist of a piece of
- neoprene or similar rubber padding, whereas Silicon Sports has a
- better design with two layers of padding under the colorful top
- covering. The lower layer is the standard dense foam rubber, but
- the thinner layer on top is a softer foam than the generic pads
- use, and I found it noticeably more comfortable. Silicon Sports
- also has a pad for the PowerBooks coming out soon and a clever
- wrist pad/mouse pad combination that fits together like puzzle
- pieces and keeps everything compact. Get one of these wrist pads
- and use it. Depending on your office-mates, it might also be good
- for whacking them on occasion. (Kids! Don't try this at home!)
- Silicon Sports -- 800/243-2972 -- 415/327-7900
- Chill Out I
- Take a break and relax. I suspect you work too hard and put in too
- many consecutive hours at the keyboard. You should take a break
- every 45 minutes or so, and by a break I mean that you should
- actually do something different, like go hang around the water
- cooler or hassle a coworker (Dan Quayle's Council on
- Competitiveness will have me shot for that statement.). You can do
- some simple exercises as well, the easiest of which are (a) gently
- squeezing a rubber or foam ball in your upward-facing palm and (b)
- extending your fingers completely until you feel a stretch, then
- relaxing your fingers and curling them in toward your palms.
- LifeGuard
- Visionary Software has a useful little DA called LifeGuard that
- can nag you into actually taking these breaks. It monitors how
- long you're typing or mousing, and then tells you to take a break.
- You set the length of both the work time and the break time, and
- it will give you either an audible reminder or a dialog reminder
- that suggests something else (which you can set) to do. LifeGuard
- also has a useful section on exercises (including the ones
- mentioned above) and another one on ergonomics. Lifeguard has a
- number of limitations, and I'd far prefer it if you could pick a
- set of sounds for it to choose from randomly and if it had an
- option to literally lock the screen to kick you off, but it's cute
- and useful.
- Visionary Software -- 503/246-6200
- Splints
- One of the easiest things you can do that a doctor will also
- recommend is to get wrist splints and wear them in bed, if not
- also during the day. Most drugstores should have them in different
- sizes and shapes, although all the ones I've seen are a vague tan
- color. I'd like to see them in black, bright blue, and even
- perhaps some fluorescent colors. There's no reason they have to be
- ugly, and it would be nice if their velcro wasn't quite so
- exposed. I hate sticking to everything!
- The splints are generally called "cock-up splints" or something
- similar because the metal splint cocks your wrist at a 20 to 30
- degree angle. This position is neutral, so in theory you aren't
- compressing the carpal tunnel while wearing them. I also find that
- certain life activities, like driving a car without power steering
- or pushing a shopping cart, are extremely hard on damaged wrists.
- The wrists splints provide welcome support in those cases, but I
- do wish they didn't look so stupid.
- Vitamins
- My doctor recommended that I take vitamin B6. Apparently the
- omniscient "they" have done studies showing that vitamin B6, in
- doses of 100 mg daily, can help cure CTS. Apparently B6 plays a
- role in producing neurochemical transmitters, and that can help.
- You can find B6 naturally in brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and
- blackstrap molasses, but if you're like me, your diet doesn't
- include those three items regularly. Supplements are probably in
- order.
- Another vitamin that _may_ help is vitamin E, in 400 IU doses
- before bed. My doctor mentioned it as well, and my father had
- excellent luck with it clearing up his arthritis in his mid-
- thirties. I've taken it on and off when I'm running competitively
- because I find that I tend to get shin splints otherwise. Medical
- science is still undecided about vitamin E, and the only things
- they've proven, I believe, are that it reduces free radicals (a
- laudable goal) and it prevents impotence in rats (an equally
- laudable goal).
- Chill Out II
- This time I mean it literally. Current medical thought believes
- cold is much better than heat for aiding healing. The basic idea
- is that cold reduces inflammation, whereas heat may reinforce it.
- Also, since nerves are extremely sensitive to heat, heating aching
- hands may feel good, but it's deceptive because all that's
- happening is that the nerves that were transmitting pain impulses
- are now sending heat signals.
- Probably the best way of applying cold to your arms is via ice
- massage. If you freeze water in paper cups, you can then rub your
- arms with the frozen cup, gradually tearing the cup away as the
- ice melts. It's messy and not terribly ecologically-conscious, but
- it works and lots of athletes use it to reduce pain and swelling
- after exercise.
- A tidier method is to go to a sports store and pick up four or
- five of those ice bags that have some sort of blue gel in them.
- They're cheap and they work well. Don't overdo the cold. Frostbite
- isn't fun.
- Massage
- Gentle massage on the hands, wrists, arms, and shoulders (which
- may often be tight and sore too), may feel good, especially if
- someone else does it, and you can also use a hand lotion that has
- vitamin E in it, just in case some vitamin E is absorbed through
- the skin. No clue if that's true, but I've had good luck with
- using it in massage.
- Exercise
- When I first admitted that I had CTS, I thought a bit about what I
- could do that doesn't involve my hands. Other than being a couch
- potato, which I don't approve of, all I could think of is running.
- It was an excellent excuse to get out on the trails regularly. My
- doctor agreed that exercise was excellent, in part because it
- doesn't use the hands, and in part because it helps relax both the
- body and the mind. I'm not going to recommend that you all
- immediately become distance runners, but exercise-induced
- endorphins are good stuff (now I'll have a drug czar on my case).
- Standard warnings about overdoing it apply here too. You may not
- think about it normally, but if you're having trouble with your
- hands and wrists, be careful not to clench your fists when you
- run, and avoid shaking your hands at the wrist. Of course, walking
- is good, and swimming may be, although I find that it tends to put
- a bit too much pressure on my wrists, depending on which stroke I
- use. Bowling is right out.
- Alternative input devices
- Definitely look into alternative input methods that will reduce
- strain on your hands and wrists. The most common of these devices
- is the trackball, and next week we'll look at two well-designed
- trackballs, the CoStar Stingray and the Curtis MVP Mouse and
- Footswitch. Trackballs are often more comfortable because the
- mouse click & drag action requires a significant downward
- pressure, and that pressure requires additional force to move the
- mouse horizontally. Also, moving the mouse with your wrist and arm
- is more likely to compress the carpal tunnel than similar
- movements with a trackball, which requires only the use of the
- fingers.
- More esoteric input devices include chord keyboards and voice
- controllers. Chord keyboards may help reduce CTS problems because
- you don't have to move your hand at the wrist to reach all the
- keys. A chord keyboard arrays its small number of keys so your
- fingers are always on the correct keys, and all you have to do is
- press the proper combinations. It may sound awkward, but I'll bet
- it took you more than an hour to learn to touch type on a standard
- QWERTY keyboard. We'll have more on Infogrip's BAT chord keyboard
- in a future issue, and you can get more information from the files
- stored on our fileserver.
- Voice controllers are definitely neat, but they must be trained,
- are sensitive to changes in your voice, and can only do the sort
- of things you can do with QuicKeys. The Voice Navigator demos are
- impressive, with the slick salesman quickly drawing their logo by
- voice. He sounds like he swallowed an auctioneer. However, the
- problem is accuracy, not speed. Apple's Casper technology promises
- to be pretty snazzy when it ships with the next generation of
- high-end Macs, but I'm not holding my breath. Finally, none of
- these systems will do dictation - for that you need a costly
- speech recognition system.
- Simple Drugs
- Doctors will recommend aspirin or ibuprofen early on. They may
- also provide a prescription for more potent stuff like Feldene,
- which is much stronger and has more side effects. Remember, drugs
- merely treat the symptoms, and unless you're in a situation where
- the symptoms prevent the body from healing itself, drugs may
- provide only temporary relief. You can't take this stuff for the
- rest of your life.
- Relaxation
- OK, you've read all of my suggestions, but I will venture into
- left field here and claim that none of it will help unless you
- reduce your stress level. Since I've had CTS, I've talked to a
- number of people who have successfully defeated it in interesting
- ways. One swears by Tai Chi, a martial art that involves slow,
- deliberate movements and heightened consciousness of your body.
- Another had CTS so badly that they hospitalized him and gave him
- morphine for the pain. Surgery cured the CTS, but didn't reduce
- the pain. It wasn't until another doctor put him on a stress
- reduction program that he started to recover.
- Another name for CTS-type injuries is cumulative stress injuries
- because you are essentially stressing a certain part of your body
- thousands of times an hour, and the body can't handle the stress.
- Mental stress will cause physical reactions as well, and the guy I
- spoke of above who had surgery didn't experience reduced pain
- until he was able to relax and break the stressful mental pathways
- he'd built up.
- Support for this theory also comes from a study showing that early
- symptoms of CTS were twice as a common among communications
- workers who were electronically monitored than those who weren't,
- possibly because of lower stress levels in unmonitored workers.
- I suggest that you can and must reduce your stress level to allow
- your body to heal. From what I've read and heard, you have a
- variety of choices on how to go about this, be it yoga, Tai Chi,
- meditation, a non-violent martial art, or even acupuncture. I
- suspect it will be hard for many of you, being rational computer-
- types like me, to try one of these methods wholeheartedly,
- although I gather people become much more accepting when the
- alternative is the knife. I also highly recommend that you look
- for a book called "Freedom From Stress: A Holistic Approach" by
- Phil Nuernberger (ISBN 0-89389-071-5). It combines well-explained
- scientific evidence along with advice on ways to reduce stress
- using the theories of yoga as a base. Do with that advice what you
- will - I'm trying it.
- Icky things
- I don't want to talk about this much, but if you let wrist pain
- progress too far, Western medicine will almost certainly want to
- give you drugs or cut you open The first move is a cortisone
- injection into the wrist. This is painful and doesn't always work.
- Doctors generally try injecting you up to three times at intervals
- of three weeks. If you're lucky, the pain will recede by three
- days after the injection. Some people have great luck with this
- treatment. Others don't.
- If you're not lucky, you progress to surgery. The basic principle
- is that the doctor can release the pressure in the carpal tunnel
- by slitting it so that it can expand slightly. Some people do well
- after this process and return to normal work several months later.
- However, if you don't treat the causes of CTS, you can just get it
- all over again. So do yourself a favor and try the stuff I suggest
- above wholeheartedly before you submit to the needle and the
- knife. It can't hurt, and I sincerely hope it helps a great deal.
- Reviews/20-Jul-92
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 13-Jul-92, Vol. 6, #26
- Excel 4.0 -- pg. 75
- SnapBack -- pg. 78
- Freedom 120 -- pg. 78
- A/UX 3.0 -- pg. 84
- DupLocator -- pg. 84
- EasyServer Viper -- pg. 86
- InForum -- pg. 88
- ..
- This text is wrapped as a setext. For more information send email
- with the single word "setext" (no quotes) in the Subject: line to
- <fileserver@tidbits.com>. A file will be returned promptly.
- For an index of information on our sponsors' products, send
- email to <sponsors@tidbits.com>.